Thursday, February 23, 2012

One week ago....

One week ago, things in my life got a little crazy.

Actually, A LOT crazy.

CPS showed up at my door, informing me that allegations had been made against Curtis and me. I was shocked, scared, and very uncertain. We scheduled a time for the interview.

I spent most of Thursday crying, making phone calls, crying, trying to be normal for the kids, crying, stress eating, crying and cleaning.

Friday morning, 8:30, our house was spotless, the children we all clean and looked adorable, Curtis and I looked like non neglectful parents who didn't partake in excessive drinking. The doorbell rang, and when I answered, only one case worker was there. He informed us that we would need to rescheduled our interview for Monday.


The entire weekend, the coming interview weighed on my heart and mind. Though I knew we had nothing to worry about, there was no doubt in my mind that our family was under attack. And not just a physical attack. But a spiritual attack.

Monday came, and I was ready for battle. Curtis and I had spent so much time in prayer, both together and personally, wrapping our hearts, minds, children and home in prayer. We had prayer warriors standing with us, also bathing our family in prayer.

The interview went smoothly. We were told when CPS left that all charges were found without backing, and that all allegations would be dropped.

Praise God!!

However, something else came up, due to the interview. I can't go into details at this point, but I covet your prayers as Curtis and I are in the midst of another battle. I can tell you that our family is not in immediate danger, however the whole thing is taking a huge mental and emotional toll on Curtis and me.

Through all this, God has been teaching me so much. Hopefully, as things wind down (hahah!!! like that ever happens around here), I'll be able to share more of my heart.

And for those of you who were curious, the CPS thing is what prompted me to go private with this blog. Never would I have imagined that my family journal and testimony to God's goodness would be the means of attacking our family. But it was.

1 comment:

Heather said...

WOW!! Some how missed all this! You and everyone is my thoughts and prayers as always!! If you need anything let me know!!