Thursday, February 05, 2009

My Bubble

This morning, I got a phone call from some travel agency, wanting to help me plan my next big vacation. I explained that I had three small children, so a nice getaway wasn't an option right now for my husband and I. "Oh, Branson's the place for you and your family!" she over-enthusiastically told me. "Not now," I told her. This lady was persistent, and said, "Well, what if you had a whole year to plan?" Not that it was any of her business, but I told her anyway, "My husband's in school, and won't graduate till December, and we're thinking about having another baby, so this really isn't a great time."

Here's the part that made me so mad.

"You're thinking of having ANOTHER kid???" And she died laughing.

She laughed until she hung up.

I think I live in a bubble. And in my bubble, surrounded by my friends, children are a blessing, a reward from God. They are not an inconvenience, they are not making me miss the best things in life (Branson???). They ARE the best things in my life. I forget, that my bubble isn't the norm. People think my bubble.... where Curtis and I love and cherish our children, where we love and cherish our friends' children, where people love our children, pray for our children, and help us with our children... is strange. And the thought of adding more children to our bubble is laughable.

Good thing I like my bubble!


Anonymous said...

I like your(our) bubble, too.

Christi said...

I like your bubble, but the thought of you having another kid makes me laugh sometimes too. ;-) But not in a rude way, in an "I love you guys and I can't wait to watch you have more of an adventure" sort of way!

Erin said...

I second Christi on that one!!

We love you guys!!

Janelle said...

I like our WPC-lots-of-kids bubble too. And if you decide to add another kid to the Krjaca clan, I will laugh with you in excitement and welcome! :)

martha said...

I love reading your blog, even though we don't know each other well! And the kid bubble is great!

ninepoundhammer said...

So??!!!! How much does a family trip to Branson cost??!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that lady laugh.. All of Branson isn't like that though. We are a kid-friendly place for sure! We have lots of summer fun for all ages of kiddos : )

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Yes, I understand that bubble very well. And just as well, I don't get those who just don't get it and feel children are a burden. Let ME carry that burden for you for a while...gladly.

Amy said...

I love big families! You have a beautiful bubble...

Jess said...

I say go for it! You're the only one who has to live in your bubble, and if you both are happy with the idea, well, the more the merrier.
I get that all the time-- we are considered totally, completely insane by a good number of people for wanting to adopt more special needs children. Jer wants two kids and I want four, though, so we'll have to work that out eventually.


Megan said...

I'm glad I get to join the bubble!

Lee Nickles said...

Greetings Krajcas...You do not live in a bubble, but in the Kingdom. And it is indeed glorious.

Sherry said...

The more bubbles the better, or do I mean kids... 4 kids is great, I won't burst that bubble, busy but great!