Friday, July 11, 2008

God is With Me.

One of Elizabeth's new things is making up songs. The thing that really touches my heart is that all her made up songs are about God. Something's getting through!!

So here's a rather long sample of her newest song, "God is With Me".


Charla (SHar-la) said...

Alicia, Amy and I are sitting in a room at the Driskoll in Austin CRACKING UP right now! Our favorite parts include the inflection in her voice, and the "Doxology" part! That was awesome! Watch out Britney Spears, here comes Elizabeth! Ha! Thanks for sharing that! We ALL couldn't get over how smart she is! Not that we're surprised, just still amazed!

Anonymous said...

Indeed He is , Elizabeth!! Keep on singing.

Sherry said...

Love the new look! Took me by surprise, thought I stumbled onto the wrong site! :)

Megan said...

So awesome, out of the mouths of babes.

Love the new look! Good job.