Friday, May 30, 2008

from 3 to 1

Did you know that Elizabeth and Micah are currently spending some time with their grandparents and aunt in Kansas? The whole even happened rather quickly. My parents and sister were in town for Benjamin's party. Mom called a few days before they were supposed to arrive, and asked if the kids could come home with them for a few days. Benjamin missed out on this trip since he had a helmet appointment in Austin yesterday, and the tubes are still fairly new and could cause problems.

So on Tuesday morning, we loaded them up, and off they went to Kansas! They call through out the day, and Curtis and I have been able to talk to them via web cam. We miss them tons, but with how busy things here have been, it's been nice. We also know that they are having the time of their lives with Grandma and Aunt Shannon! And if plans go well, tonight they will be sleeping outside in a tent with Grand-Daddy!

Life with one child, rather than three, has been interesting. I think I finally got words to how I was feeling the other night when talking with Curtis. At the end of the day, I have accomplished more, yet don't feel as accomplished.

I'm looking forward to having the Elizabeth and Micah back on Sunday! Benjamin has had a hard time adjusting to life as an only child. The first day, he just walked around the house waving, and crying. Day two brought boredom for Benjamin. He was only happy if I was holding him or playing with him. Thankfully, we had my young mom's Bible study and community group!

This weekend we're looking forward to painting Micah and Elizabeth's room. Currently, it is pink. Since that room will end up being the boy's room, once Benjamin is out of his crib, we will be painting it the even popular and manly color of blue.

The craziest part of this week is that for the first time in a long time, things aren't crazy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not to worry...crazy is coming home to roost!

Honestly, it has been a wonderful time together...and we hope to do it more in the future.

That being said, we have rediscovered the truth in that old adage, "There's a reason that you have children when you're young."

Love you and have fun with Grandma and Great Grandma.