Saturday, February 09, 2008

Big Boy Bed

Micah has been sleeping in the pack and play in Elizabeth's room for about a month now. Originally it was our plan for the two boys to share a room. But Benjamin had a lot of sleeping problems, which we have almost resolved by letting him cry it out. But we couldn't have Micah in the same room while Ben was learning to sleep.

Since Benjamin is doing so well, we decided to make it semi permanent, and put Micah in with Elizabeth. But he was so squashed in that pack and play, so thanks to some thinking on my Mom's part, we put Micah on the trundle from Elizabeth's bed. To help make the transition a smooth one, we got him some big boy sheets. I found these Thomas the Train sheets at Wal Mart for $7! Yay for a clearance! Micah was very excited when I showed him, and even helped me make his bed.
After a trip to his sister's bed, and a few trips to see us, Micah fell asleep in his new big boy bed. I think he looks so little in it!

And just in case you were wondering, our plan is to now have the big kids share a room till Benjamin is ready to move out of his crib. At that point, we will move the boys together in what is now Elizabeth's room, and move Elizabeth into what is now the nursery. With the help of my parents, we are looking at redecorating Elizabeth's pink room into something that would work for her and Micah, and would then be a good boy room when Micah and Benjamin share it. And, as you may have suspected, the nursery will be converted into a girly pink room when Elizabeth moves in.


Hannah D A said...

He looks so cute in his big boy bed.

Anonymous said...

what a sweetie!!!