Monday, July 09, 2007


Today I made my first trip to the store with all three kids by myself. I felt like a side act at the circus! You wouldn't believe all the looks that I got as I unloaded the kids from the van. It was like the van was the clown car.

Then, I hear the comments, "Wow! You must really have your hands full." Yeah, no joke.

And of course there's the, "How old are they all?" comment.

The comment that I get that I'm the most used to is, "How old is he?" as they point to Micah. Most people guess two.

And the comment that ticks me off the most, "That poor baby must be hungry!" No, he's just mad that crazy strangers are telling his Mommy how to mother. Not to mention that he's strapped into a car seat!

The tricky part of the trip is getting everyone into the store safely. I almost have this mastered, since I've had to do it a few times at the pediatrician's office. But the Target parking lot is a little more daunting than the doctor's office. Here's what I did today..... put Benjamin in the seat part of the basket (while strapped into his car seat), put Micah in the basket, and Elizabeth rode on the back. That's roughly 85lbs of kids!! Make steering a little challenging.

But, I'm still alive, I didn't lose anyone, and all's well that ends well.


Amy said...

WOO HOO! Maybe those nosy, rude folks should offer to hold a hand/push a cart into the store instead of being snotty! Sounds like you have a good system, though. I admire you - I don't even want to attempt taking both dogs anywhere, and they can ride in kennels, and then are leashed! Ha!

Sherry said...

I know the feeling! I have said to Jason so many times that I feel like a clown car - when will all the kids stop coming out? hee hee! The looks are the best! I usually just give them my most exhausted smile, not a difficult task... since I usually am after loading all four in the van the first time!

Charla (SHar-la) said...

SUUUUUPER MOM! You're awesome!

Anonymous said...

I'm soo proud of you for the attempt. My motto is, "The more you do it, the easier it gets!" It never gets easy if you never do it. Way to go!!! When I had 3, I often would put one in a snugli, one in the seat and one in the basket part, also in the car seat. That being said, Ayers babies are MUCH lighter one-year olds than Krajca babies. Hmmm, Micah in a snugli, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to tackle that one.
And the looks from others, I can identify with that one too. Just tell them you plan on having at least 3 or 4 more, in the next 3 or 4 years. :)
Children. . .a heritage from the LORD. . .blessings and gifts from God--ABSOLUTELY!
I love you,

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

Way to go! I was exhausted just reading that. I haven't quite thought of a way to take mine shopping without a second set of hands since I can't manage the stroller and a basket and I'm not sure two carriers will fit in their basket. What's the deal with people telling you your business? That drives me nuts!

Elizabeth said...

I still can't believe the nerve of some people. I'm a huge fan of lots of siblings, having grown up with three. And especially now that we're all adults I just can't imagine my life without them.

I have a friend who has 4 (that at one point were ages 5 and under) and in their Christmas letter they shared the top 5 comments they'd gotten from complete strangers. One person suggested they needed a TV in their master bedroom!?!

Elizabeth said...

And I like Hannah's suggestion about telling them you plan to have more and close together.

My brother (whose wife is expecting their first) has told us that their plan is to have 5 in 5 years. His wife denies that it is "their" plan.

Elizabeth said...

Oh, and one more thing: what really impresses me about how you handle 3 young children is how you find the time to maintain TWO blogs!