Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Wow! It's been a while since I've posted. Could it be that life at the Krajca house is calming down? No such luck! I think it's simply the fact that we are becoming immune to the chaos that surrounds us day in and out.

For example.

My newest fear is of balloons. A friend (thanks Erin!) told me that if a child swallows a piece of balloon, there is nothing that can be done, and they will probably choke. And of course what deadly play thing do the unknowing employees of HEB give my children? BALLOONS! So, Elizabeth and Micah (as well as other HEB shoppers) got quite and eye full as I flipped out when Micah had the balloon remotely close to his mouth. Considering the fact that I'm 6'1, and seven months pregnant, nothing is done discreetly. Add to that the fact that I have two non-quiet children, who were ridding in the cadilac of shopping carts, and we gave several shoppers quite a show.

Thankfully, both children lived to tell of our trip to HEB. And I will never again let those idiots give my children balloons.... at least until Micah learns that not everything has to go in his mouth.


Anonymous said...

I completely sympathize.

And here's another happy tip: Never own a set of "toy" magnets. They are also danger in a box!

Puente Family said...

I love reading funny stories that happen to other moms. It makes me feel so much more normal. Going to any store with the boys has an entirely new meaning these days that can be summed up in one word...adventure!