Thursday, January 04, 2007

Look what I can do...

Micah started our year off with a bang! On the first day of the year, he took his first steps while we were in Kansas. It was a true family affair with his Mommy, Daddy, big sister, Grandma, Grand-Daddy, Aunt Megan, and soon to be Unlce Matt, cheering him on.

Here are pics of those first few steps.


Puente Family said...

How exciting! Each new activity they accomplish is just so fun! I love the pics! :-) stacie

Anonymous said...

how do we know these pictures aren't staged? I'm withholding applause until I see him walking with my own two eyes.

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

Way to go Micah =-)

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Yay, Micah! How old is he? Once again, an advanced Krajca kid...does that surprise anyone-NO WAY! Thanks for the sweet comments...