Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Day in the life of....

Yikes! Almost two weeks since I've posted. And here's why, my life is CRAZY! My kids are CRAZY! My husband, well, he's okay. :-) Here's an example from our day yesterday.

6:30 am Wakeup to the alarm, and then to a little girl in our bed. Although she's very sweet, she's hungry. Curtis sweetly tells me to sleep till Micah gets up.
6:31 am Micah gets up.
10:00 am Head to HEB to buy groceries. Not exactly sure what happened in the three and a half hours before that, but somehow, the kids both got bathed, the kitchen was cleaned, and Micah took a nap.
While driving to HEB Elizabeth informs me that she needs to go potty. Of course, by the time we get to HEB, I have forgotten.
10:30 ish Elizabeth reminds me again that she needs to go potty. I quickly finish the shopping, take her to the restroom, where I realize I have left my wallet in the car. So, I drag both kids out to the car, get the wallet, go back to line, and check out.
10:45 ish Some idiot parks where I need to put the child cart, so I have to find another spot (which of course, wasn't close). By the time I get back, Elizabeth is sobbing and tells me that she has gone potty in her panties. Lovely!
11:15 ish We pick Curtis up for lunch
11:30 Get home, and realize the gallon of milk has leaked all over the back of the van. Call HEB. They will replace it, but we have to go back, and bring the receipt. Like I have time for that?
12:15 take Curtis back to work, and stop at Shakes, which Elizabeth spilled all over herself. Elizabeth also informs me that Micah has thrown up.
12:45 ish Get home and realize the extent of Micah throwing up. It's everywhere! Walk into the house and realize that the dog has torn up a dirty diaper.
12:47 Beat dog.
1:00 Elizabeth sleeps
3:00 Micah sleeps
Some peace! And I actually accomplish some cleaning!

So, there's my life in a nutshell. Exciting!!


Lindsay Newcomer said...

It seems ironic that Elizabeth peed her panties AFTER you took her to the bathroom. When you have to go, you have to go.

Kierstyn said...

Yeah, the fact that I had JUST taken her to the bathroom just served to irritate me even more. :-)

Anonymous said...

It could be worse. This all could have happened today in this Chicago style weather!